We're delighted to announce LOTS of new classes after the Easter holidays and you're invited to come along and try them for FREE!
We have new classes in Whitley Bay in the new Splat Centre. There are also new sessions in North Shields at the popular Linskill Centre. In the Derwentside area we are starting sessions at Jumbo Jungle in Consett so you can mix soft play with your language learning at no extra cost! (scroll down for pictures of the venue)
Here's the breakdown of all of our classes across the region. Please click to book. Classes marked with an asterisk (*) have free tasters available, simply click to reserve your place.
Mondays (French)
Durham, North Shields* and Whitley Bay*
Thursdays (French and Spanish)
Consett*, Wideopen* and High Spen
Fridays (French)
North Shields
Saturdays (French)
We're delighted to announce that Lingotot has been shortlisted for no less than THREE categories in the national What's On For Little Ones Awards 2012.
This is one of those awards decided by the public so we'd love you to vote for us please! We would REALLY appreciate it if you could all vote for Lingotot in the Best New Activity for Children and Best Local Activity for Under 5s categories and for Angela Sterling (Lingotot founder) in the Outstanding Activity Leader for Under 5s category. Pretty please tell all of your friends to vote too! Thank you sooooo much :)