Under 3s:
- George can count to 7 in French (he sometimes misses out 6!) He also uses the words bouche, bavardez and voici.
- Amelia pointed to the following in a French picture book: gâteau, banane, orange, petits-pois, nounours.
- Hannah played “où est le bébé?” with her little brother Oliver at Lingotot today. She pulled the scarf from his head when mummy said “Coucou!”.
- Violet can count up to ten in French. She knows the parts of her face in French and uses lots of colour words too.
- Arnaud is a little translator! He heard the song “Savez-vous planter les choux?” on the TV and said “I do that in French class.”
- Camille can count from 1 to 10 in French. She can say the parts of her face and uses lots of colour words in French.
- Jessica says the names of her colours in French when she colours in at home.
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