The Languages Trends Survey found that in 23 per cent of the 591 primary schools surveyed, the highest qualification held by teachers was a GCSE.
The introduction of compulsory language teaching from September 2014 was welcomed by many schools, but there was concern among teachers, the survey said.
One teacher said: "Most staff feel ill-equipped to teach foreign languages. As a teacher you want to feel confident that you know your subject matter well. A rusty O-level and only being a page or two ahead of the children is not ideal.”
Here at Lingotot we of course welcome the news that languages are now being recognised as important, but it is worrying that schools have not had any support to implement the new curriculum change.
We help by taking on full responsibility for MFL PPA cover in school. We always love to hear from new schools who would like to work with us, but we are under great demand at the moment so we recommend any interested schools contact us soon so we can make the necessary arrangements for September.